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10 mins with alexia aslandis 2019

10 Mins With: Alexia Aslandis

Stylish, glamorous and always ahead of the curve, Alexia Aslanidis is our new Instagram obsession.

A fashion, beauty and lifestyle Instagram influencer, Alexia has also co-founded the digital marketing agency Les Deux Social and runs the blog Her style doesn't just stop in her wardrobe though. Much like her fashion style, Alexia's home is classic and refined. With lots of white walls, grey soft furnishings, serene candles and. with a splash of high fashion and beauty mixed in there's so much to be inspired by in Alexia's home.

So, keep on reading to discover more about Alexia, her career and her home...

Round Nest Of 3 Marble Side Tables £295.00

1.Let’s start at the very beginning. Tell us about yourself?

My name is Alexia, I’m 29 and based in London. I was born in Australia with Greek & German parents and have lived all over the world. For my career, I am a fashion & lifestyle influencer and social media maven. I co-founded a social media agency called Les Deux Social and I run my own socials daily, which encapsulate my love for fashion & lifestyle. I have a keen eye for beauty and try to capture it everyday!

2.You are a fashion and lifestyle blogger. What originally inspired you to get into the Blogging / Influencer world?

When I lived in Berlin I had a lot of friends who were in the blogging world so I would always help take their pictures and give them style advice and I really enjoyed it! One day I posted a photo on Instagram and tagged a prominent brand and they reposted it, I got all these followers from it and thought, hey I could do this on purpose next time! So I did and have been doing so ever since.

3.You co-founded the company Les Deux Social, a social media and digital marketing agency. Describe what a normal day is like for you running this business?

We are based in Melbourne and have just opened our London office. Our days are always different, whether we are meeting with clients, on set at photo shoots or working on social strategies, there’s always lots of creative and fun energy involved in each day!

Vintage Style Tin First Aid Box £28.00

4.We couldn’t do a Q & A with you without asking you about your home. Tell us about it. What is it like? What is your personal style?

I live in two storey Victorian conversion flat that has just been newly renovated. It’s a two bed, two bath apartment. On the first floor are the bedrooms, one of which has been converted into my walk-in wardrobe (yes, I have that much stuff, who doesn’t?!). My partner’s brother kindly helped us build it - it’s an open concept, so I have lots of shelving for bags and shoes and a pole running from one end to the room to the other for clothes. Also on the first floor is our bedroom which has beautiful bay-windows and the larger of the two bathrooms with a tub.

Downstairs, we have is where the kitchen/open plan living is as well as another bathroom with a shower and a storage room. We have a pretty big outside terrace as well with a huge outdoor dining set which we can’t wait to use in the summer!

My home style I would say is relaxed Scandinavian with a modern/industrial element. I like to incorporate lots of organic looking décor as well as minimal style furniture with a neutral colour palette. I’m not into too much colour or pattern as I like my home to be an oasis and feel very calm.

Alexia's fabulous wardrobe with the Rockett St George Revive Rug - Grey 02 - 3 Sizes Available From: £60.00

5. If you could have one piece of furniture or designer homeware item, what would it be?

My partner and I are still on the hunt for a perfect vintage Art-Deco bar cart. We have lots of beautiful glassware (and liquor) to display and they need a home!

6. Is there anything in your home that you would like to change or renovate this year?

No, not really. Our home is brand new so I am just focused on finding the right décor to finish off all the spaces!

Round Nest Of 3 Marble Side Tables £295.00

7. What should no home be without?

A comfortable and chic sofa for sure!

8. What are your top 3 tips for anyone who wants to grow their Instagram following?

After you find your niche, post consistently, always geo-tag and tag the maximum 30 hashtags and post stunning, high-quality content! (oh and don’t be afraid to be confident and sell yourself, no one else is going to do it for you!)

9.What’s next for Alexia Aslanidis?

Definitely growing my brand… won’t give too much away here but big things are on the horizon for me in London. 😉

10. Finally, name three new RSG products that you love?

Oh my goodness, I adore my Nest of 3 Marble Side tables, the Rose Pink Velvet Petal Armchair & my Vintage Style Tin First Aid Box.

Round Nest Of 3 Marble Side Tables £295.00 |Rose Pink Velvet Petal Armchair £695.00 | Vintage Style Tin First Aid Box £28.00 |


Quick Fire Questions

  1. I am happiest when… I am with my loved ones.
  2. My favourite magazine is… Vogue
  3. My dream holiday would be… Two weeks with my man at the Amangiri in Canyon Point, USA.
  4. My ideal day would be spent…. Lounging on a sandy beach with my partner, sipping on mimosas (a cliché but effective way of relaxing!)
  5. My personal motto is… Take risks and live your life every day the way you want to!
  6. My guilty pleasure is… Clothes, bags, shoes, accessories… you know the drill.
  7. The last film I saw was… The Holiday, one of my all-time favourites (getting right into the festive film season).
  8. My favourite book is… Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Truman Capote
  9. In five years’ time, I want to be… Still happy, healthy and thriving!
  10. The three things I can’t live without are… My phone, a tidy house (I’m a bit OCD just ask my partner) & a full fridge.

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